Sure, it may be a little sexist, but this list had to be created. It took lots of back and forth emails between editors, heated arguments over a week's worth of happy hours and brutal rounds of scissors-paper-rock, but I, with the help of Alex V. Cook whittled down the list. Behold, the world's Sexiest Female Guitar Players ever.
Jewel Band: Jewel In the Klingon sense, there is no honor in loving Jewel. What started out as a sweet Lisa Loeb upgrade invading the pop scene, things went quickly downhill with her accepting her inner poet and then her inner pop tart. But, much as I might be loathe to admit it, those first couple songs of hers always warm my heart when I hear them on the piped-in at the grocery store. And frankly, those snaggle-teeth totally do it for me.
" Did I mention she only plays gigs in lace bras and leather pants and the leather pants usually come off mid-set? Contradictions are incredibly sexy.
Juliana Hatfield The Blake Babies, The Juliana Hatfield Three, SoloIt must have been the summer of 1993 - I was working at a Tower Records in Anaheim and a copy of Hatfield's "Become What You Are" was in the promo bin. While the manager was on a cocaine break in her office, I stole the promo disc. Coincidently, I was in my strange female-guitarist phase and instantly fell in love with Hatfield's endearingly thin voice.
Liz Phair Band: This bird flies solo C'mon, this one's obvious, isn't it? Love her or loathe her, she's still head and shoulders above the rest - she only didn't make first because I've never met her and this is after all, an extremely biased list. Some say she just started getting shit after she released her latest self-titled LP which was produced by the Matrix (Avril Lavigne's hitmakers), but it started way before that. I think her cover on Rolling Stone in 1993 when they dressed her in a tiny nightgown sealed her fate as all style and no substance. I say bullshit to that - "Exile in Guyville" is one of the few perfect albums of the '90s.
Cristina Martinez Band: Boss Hog, Pussy Galore, Honeymoon Killers Maybe the most elusive musician on this list - what do we know about Christina? Me? I know nothing other than the fact that she's been known to pick up a guitar while in the art-noise band, Pussy Galore and really then, all she did was bang her guitar around and create feedback. Still, in my rulebook, it a girl has at anytime strapped a guitar to her back while on stage, that right there constitutes as being a female guitar player.
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