Usuarios del plugin de Wordpress TODO SOBRE MUSICA : 10 Most Beautiful Japanese Girls

sábado, 10 de marzo de 2018

10 Most Beautiful Japanese Girls

Japanese girls are admired all over the world for their ever-youthful beauty. With their flawless, porcelain skin and dark, silky hair, they indeed are some of the most attractive girls in the world. They have had the beauty-game down for centuries now, and they only keep growing younger somehow! Japanese beauty routines are so fascinating, and the whole world seems to be borrowing their beauty secrets.

10 Maki Horikita

This beauty is a former actress who was a part of numerous Japanese television dramas, advertisements, and movies. Some of her most famous roles include her performances in films like Umechan Sensei and Nobuta Wo Produce. She has also won several awards and gained immense recognition worldwide for her work.

The 19-year-old Suzu Hirose has appeared in television dramas, movies, advertisements and music videos. Some of her most famous works include Our Little Sister, Chihayafuru, Rage and Your Lie in April. She also performed the role of Suzu Asano in Hirokazu Koreeda’s 2015 live-action adaptation of the manga Umimachi Diary. She won the Japan Academy Award for “Newcomer of the Year” category and received the “Best New Actress” Awards from Kinema Junpo among her other accolades.

9 Suzu Hirose

8 Kasumi Arimura

7 Atsuko Maeda

6 Emi Takei

5 Mao Abe

4 Tomomi Itano

3 Aya Omasa

2 Haruka Fukuhara

1 Haruna Kawaguchi

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