Usuarios del plugin de Wordpress TODO SOBRE MUSICA : enero 2018

martes, 30 de enero de 2018

VIDEO: Una ladrona intenta robar un paquete postal y el Karma le da su merecido.

La mujer resbaló, quedó tendida y entre gritos tuvo que ser rescatada por un cómplice.

Cámaras de seguridad captaron en detalle el momento de un intento de robo en la ciudad estadounidense de Bothell, en el estado de Washington. Allí se ve cómo un un coche se detiene en una vía y una mujer se baja de él y se dirige a una casa para apropiarse de un paquete dejado poco antes por repartidores de la compañía UPS.

Pero las cosas no salieron como los ladrones pensaban. Después de tomar la caja, la mujer resbala justo en frente de la casa y se hace daño en una pierna, de tal manera que no logra levantarse sin ayuda. Instantes después, del coche sale su cómplice para rescatarla.

Un intruso calienta con los baloncestistas antes de un partido de la NBA (VIDEO)

Este hombre fue retirado de la cancha por un guardia de seguridad.

Un entrenamiento de los New Orleans Pelicans.

Un espontáneo se coló en una cancha de baloncesto y se puso a calentar con los jugadores de los New Orleans Pelicans en los minutos previos a un partido de la NBA. Ese encapuchado llegó a recibir un pase antes de que un guardia de seguridad le realizara una advertencia y le escoltara hacia su asiento.

La "irritante" verdad sobre el video viral del ratón que se ducha (VIDEO)

El roedor no habría intentado enjabonarse, revela un biólogo, que alerta de un posible caso de maltrato animal.

Por más que parezca cómico e incluso tierno, el video viral del ratón que toma una ducha podría ser un caso más de maltrato animal. Así lo sugiere el biólogo Tuomas Aivelo, investigador de ratas urbanas en la Universidad de Helsinki (Finlandia).
"Sus movimientos son bastante extraños", comentó Aivelo sobre el video, que muestra a un ratón dentro de un lavadero sobre sus patas traseras mientras friega su cuerpo enjabonado con las delanteras. "Un ratón no haría eso a menos que hubiera algo de lo que realmente quisiera deshacerse", aseveró el científico a Gizmodo.

El video ha sido reproducido en redes sociales más de 30 millones de veces en menos de 24 horas. Según Aivelo, en caso de que las imágenes no hayan sido generadas por computadora, el ratón "solo quiere deshacerse del jabón". "Tal vez le resulta incómodo, o incluso irritante. Es posible que esté sufriendo", señaló el biólogo.

lunes, 29 de enero de 2018

These Inked Beauties Are So Hot, Your Mind Will Explode

These Inked Beauties Are So Hot, Your Mind Will Explode

The Most Beautiful Female Soldiers You’ll Want To Make Love, Not War With

Although warfare has mainly been portrayed as a business dominated by men, women have also played a significant role in combating the enemy. From ancient female warriors like legendary Amazons to Joan of Arc and finally to ladies of war currently serving in the army, women of different nations and cultures have been participating in conflicts for over 3,000 years now. Of course, men have always been the vast majority of all combatants in every culture, but it is high time to celebrate female soldiers as well.

Streamer Girls Who Ruin All Gaming Stereotypes

When we hear a word ‘gamer’, our imagination gives us an image of a fat guy who hardly manages to cure his acne and deal with a haircut. However, that is no more than a stereotype. Gaming is no longer a harmful addiction, but a so-called E-sport that brings the participants good money and sometimes fame. When it comes to gender, time to stick to the opinion that it is typically for both – guys and girls. Still, have some doubts? Check out the hottest streamers who became famous thanks to numerous gaming rounds they won.
1. ZombiUnicorn
Nati Casanova AKA ZombiUnicorn is a pink-haired gamer girl who has won popularity thanks to her incredible skills and impressive breasts. She melts male hearts with her sparkling sense of humor. Watching any of her streams is pure pleasure. Nati is funny and knows how to entertain people. ZombiUnicorn popped out on YouTube and Twitch in 2012 with her bright videos and soon became super popular. But I would give my hand to find out how she chose her nickname.
 2. Tara Babcock
When I first saw Tara I was sure she does adult movies. Soon my friends have shown me her videos. Super hot blonde with a joystick in her hands made me sweat with her every move. You should subscribe to her channel. Men never regret that you can believe me.
3. Itshafu
Meet another gamer girl who is a professional Blizzard gamer, which is enough to start respecting her more than any other gamer. She is not only completing all missions in the hardest games with ease but also teaches her fans some secrets she uses to win. What a cutie pie!
4. KayPeaLol
Her real name is Kelsie and she has been streaming since 2013. For these years she sticks to some aggressive manner. Her streams are dynamic and accompanied by some really good music, mostly rock. Today she tops the list of the most popular streamers who transmit their gaming battles. Kelsie is not afraid of messing up with extremely complicated missions, which is out of character. She is too hot for being that brutal.
 5. DizzyKitten
Look at this 23-years old angel from Arkansas. Being one of the most influential people in the gaming world, she has a huge donor list and an even bigger list of fans and followers across social media. DIzzyKitten has very special relations with her favorite game characters – she is a skilled cosplayer, who knows what look fits her best. This is why the number of her Instagram followers keeps growing.
 6. LegendaryLea
If there is the biggest World Of Warcraft fan in this world – it has to be her. Lea adores this game more than any other and devotes all her free time playing WoW. On the other hand, she is one of the most stylish girls in the gaming world and she is too hot to stay unnoticed. So we are not surprised to see her name on the top list of the best Twitch streamers ever. Personally, I know at least 12 guys ready to marry Lea just today.

domingo, 28 de enero de 2018

Con estos 10 Remedios caseros y naturales elimina la Caspa

La caspa, también conocida como dermatitis seborreica del cuero cabelludo, es un trastorno muy común y la razón es simple. Existen muchas causas capaces de provocar caspa. Estas causas van desde la falta de cuidado del cabello, hasta el estrés, pasando por una mala dieta o incluso la piel seca entre otras. Generalmente la caspa.

La caspa es uno de los problemas más comunes en nuestro cabello, que se produce por un desequilibrio en el proceso de eliminación de células muertas en el cuero cabelludo, provocando unas partículas de color blanco o amarillento, que hacen que nuestro cabello luzca mal y como si estuviera sucio. Pero hay diferentes formas de eliminar la caspa y que nuestro cabello recupere su salud y vuelva a verse hermoso.

Otras recomendaciones para eliminar la caspa:Para obtener buenos resultados es importante aplicar constantemente los remedios hasta notar mejoras. Debes evitar productos agresivos como la laca o el gel, así como algunos tipos de tintes. También tus hábitos de vida, por ejemplo dormir bien, llevar una alimentación balanceada, no estresarse, hacer ejercicio y tomar mucha agua. Eliminar la caspa es una tarea que puede resultar complicada pero no imposible.


Mira aquí éstas Actrices Tienen Herencia Mexicana y Quizá No lo Sabías

Las personas a menudo tienen una idea estrecha de cómo se ven los Mexicanos. Por ejemplo, la rompecorazones totalmente Americana Selena Gomez puede haber nacido y crecido en Texas, pero su padre es de ascendencia Mexicana y la nombró por la cantante Selena, quien fue asesinada por la presidenta de su club de fans en 1995. De hecho, hay muchas más estrellas con raíces Mexicanas en Hollywood. Aquí hay una lista de actrices que destruyen estereotipos que quizá no sabías que en realidad son de ascendencia Mexicana.

Jessica Alba
La co-protagonista de Alexis Bledel en “La Ciudad del Pecado” obtiene su ascendencia Mexicana de sus abuelos paternos, quienes nacieron de inmigrantes Mexicanos. En el lado de su madre, la belleza es Danesa, Alemana y Galesa. Como es claro ahora, la fusión genética única hizo de la actriz una de las famosas más atractivas en Hollywood.

Stacey Dash
Parte-Barbadense, parte-Mexicana y también Afroamericana, comenzó a aparecer en la TV a mediados de los 80s. Sin embargo, su gran oportunidad fue el papel de la egocéntrica y chiflada chica popular de preparatoria llamada Dionne en el éxito de 1995 ‘Clueless’ y un programa de televisión derivado con el mismo nombre.

Alexis Bledel
La estrella de “Gilmore Girls” y “La Ciudad del Pecado” nació en Houston, Texas de una madre Mexicana y un padre Argentino. Aunque nació en EUA, Alexis fue criada en México y habló español como su primer idioma. La belleza de piel pálida y ojos azules no se ve como Hispana ya que su familia también tiene raíces Danesas, Alemanas, Escocesas e Inglesas. ¡Qué mezcla! Sin embargo, Alexis se identifica a sí misma como Latina.

Lupita Nyong’o
La estrella y ganadora del Oscar por “12 Años de Esclavitud”, quien fue posicionada #1 en la lista de los Más Bellos del Mundo 2014 realmente nació en la Ciudad de México, México con padres Kenyanos. Su nombre es un diminutivo del tradicional nombre Mexicano Guadalupe. La actriz vivió en Kenya la mayoría de su niñez pero regresó a México cuando tenía 16. Ella se identifica como Mexicana-Keniana.

Lynda Carter
La actriz que interpretó a la icónica Mujer Maravilla ama recordar sus memorias de niñez en las que su madre Mexicana cantaba a su padre de ascendencia Inglesa y Escocesa. Su herencia mezclada probó ser el premio mayor genético cuando Lynda ganó el título de Miss Mundo en 1972 antes de que su carrera de actuación despegara.

Sara Paxton
Su cabello rubio puede engañarte, pero Sara Paxton realmente nació en Monterrey, México. La actriz es escocesa e Irlandesa por parte de su padre, lo que explica su apariencia Anglosajona. La estrella de películas de horror dice que las personas no creen que es parte-Mexicana porque aún tienen estereotipos sobre cómo debe lucir una chica Hispana.

Alana de la Garza
Quizá no sabes que la Hermosa actriz que interpretó a Connie Rubirosa en “La Ley y el Orden” de la NBC por cuatro temporadas nació con un padre Mexicano-Americano y una madre Irlandesa-Americana.
La belleza fue criada en El Paso, Texas e incluso ganó el título de “Miss Fotogénica” en una versión para adolescentes del concurso de belleza Miss El Paso.

sábado, 27 de enero de 2018

7 Girls In Video Games That Make Men Cry

Every gamer has his own moment of truth. A game scene or even a whole level that made him bow down. Being defeated by a huge monster or an army of soldiers is fine, but not a guy will admit being smashed away by a sexy girl. However, it happens even more often than you think. Here is a list of girls who made a generation of gamers shiver every time they pop up on screen.

Every gamer has his own moment of truth. A game scene or even a whole level that made him bow down. Being defeated by a huge monster or an army of soldiers is fine, but not a guy will admit being smashed away by a sexy girl. However, it happens even more often than you think. Here is a list of girls who made a generation of gamers shiver every time they pop up on screen.

Carla (Ada Wong’s clone)

Resident Evil games fans see nightmares with her every night. Ada Wong is a mysterious and ambiguous antihero figure, working for the series’ villains but also helping the protagonist Leon S. Kennedy. She is an American girl of Chinese descent. She first appears as a side character, but her popularity makes developers add her to the front line. Ada was later cloned and her clone Carla is the commander-in-chief of the Neo-Umbrella forces. Sexy and dangerous.

Alma Wade

Alma Wade is the key figure and main antagonist of the F.E.A.R. series. A powerful demon locked in beautiful girl’s body. In her first scene she is only 8, but later on, she pops up in the body of an adult woman. The creepiest thing is that players don’t realize if she is real or just a figment of their sick imagination.
 Sofia Lamb

Psychiatrist and collectivist politician who seizes control of Rapture in Bioshock 2. The game begins with Subject Delta walking around bonded to Eleanor, the Little Sister. However, after a bunch of depressing events, Delta finds himself waking up 10 years later with no clue where Eleanor is. Lamb spent those 10 years rehabilitating Eleanor. She managed to turn her into “the People’s Daughter”. Throughout the game she remains in contact with Delta, spreading her philosophy and beliefs to him. An awful woman who can control the masses.


To say that this character possesses extremely strong power is to say nothing about her at all. What is more important – nobody knows who this woman actually is. She is considered to be a kind of an avatar of one of the female characters – an evil personality of Riona that can destroy the humanity.

Cheers to all Mortal Combat fans. When choosing a character, even guys love playing for this lady. She is a skilled fighter and a sexy girl at a time. Although her hooks make us wonder if she is really a woman, not a man wearing sexy female outfits. However, Mileena belongs to those girls who can easily kick your ass even if you are twice heavier than her.

Sarah Kerrigan
This list wouldn’t be complete without the evil Queen of Blades from StarCraft. Kerrigan first appears in StarCraft as a 26-year-old Terran Ghost. She is physically and mentally trained psychic expert, espionage agent, and assassin. Initially the second-in-command of Sons of Korhal, a revolutionary movement against the oppressive Confederacy of Man, she is captured by the insectoid Zerg and infested, turning her into a human/Zerg hybrid completely under the control of the Zerg Overmind. Zergs literary turn her into their most powerful agent and soon she takes control over the race and asks for more. Bloody tyranny at its finest.

7 Indian Fitness Hotties You Will Want to Follow

Today’s obsession with fitness is impressive. Toned bodies, perky butts, huge biceps are what everyone are trying to get these days. And I am not saying it’s bad. On contrary, it’s what we all should do. But while seeing a man working out at the gym is nothing special, a girl hitting the gym is what goes against all stereotypes. Yes, women have always been obsessed with their bodies. Most of them think that their looks is the only thing that matters (I disagree but that’s a whole different story). Women of all ages used to starve themselves into oblivion by trying to keep up with the latest “beauty” trends. Thankfully, it’s all in the past now. The era of fitness and healthy diet is now taking over the world. People across the globe use Instagram and other social media to tell their weight loss stories. And India is not an exception.

A lot of Indian women are ditching low-calorie diets and hours of monotonous cardio sessions and go to that part of the gym that used to be for men only because glutes won’t grow on their own, am I right? To look toned, you need muscles. And a gym is the only place to get some. So, if you still believe that lifting weights make women look bulky, these 7 Indian fitness models and Instagrammers will prove you wrong. They completely changed the Indian fitness industry and can make anyone want to sweat their asses off at the gym.

A fitness instructor, Sumeet Sahni, is killing it on Instagram and other social media. She shares lots of training clips with the exercises she does on a regular basis. And don’t tell me that lifting weights make girls look like men!

Sapna Vyas Patel lost over 30 kg in just a year which made her one of the most popular fitness gurus in India. Her Instagram account is packed with saucy snaps.

Fitness buff Jessica Arevalo once again proves that healthy diet and weight lifting makes you look super hot. Wonder how guys feel when this hottie shows up at the gym…

5 things you didn’t know about Dani Daniels

Award-winning adult performer Dani Daniels is one of the 25 highest-ranked porn stars on Pornhub, with over 250 million video views and commenters regularly praising her as “one of the sexiest women on planet Earth, hands down.” But more than that, Daniels is known for her versatility. Some of her top-rated videos of all time are girl-girl, solo, and group sex scenes. In fact, she’s won eight AVNs (aka the Oscars of porn) in those categories and has been nominated for countless others. But there’s more to this California girl than her legendary curves and clout in the porn industry.

1) She’s didn’t have sex with men on film until 2012 

Dani Daniels began to consider working in porn after she dropped out of art school and was stripping to pay off her student loans. She overheard that it’s possible to be a girl-on-girl adult performer and was excited about the prospects of having more sex with women. She flew out to L.A., signed with OCModeling, and launched her career as an adult entertainer.

2) She makes art under the name Kira Lee 

Though Daniels dropped out of art school after only two years, she’s still a passionate artist. She works mostly with spray enamel and acrylic gel pen, and she uses a technique she claims to have pioneered called Typographic Pointilism—using lyrics and words to form portraits and iconic images. Her art is mostly inspired by musicians, something she became interested in during high school. Some of her favorite works include an image of Muhammad Ali, a rendition of Pink Floyd’s famous triangular prism, and a recreation of the famous Abbey Road image from the Beatles’ album of the same name.

3) Daniels has two supportive moms 

In an interview for her website, Daniel revealed that though she had a “normal” childhood, she grew up with two moms, which she says some may consider abnormal. She told Adult DVD Talk that her parents have always been supportive of her work as an adult entertainer.

4) She’s learning to legally fly a plane

As of 2016, Daniels talked to Xbiz about completing flight school training and discussed her love for aviation, which has actually made its way into some of her scenes. She wants to finish school and receive her private pilot’s license so she can jet around the world on her own terms.

5) Before she became an adult entertainer, Daniels had never watched porn

In an interview with Fleshbot, Daniels revealed that she didn’t watch porn before she became a performer and still doesn’t really watch it. She definitely doesn’t watch or masturbate to her own scenes but told Adult DVD Talk that sometimes she’ll watch the non-sex parts to check out her acting skills.